LLED 565D/061 – Indigenous Language and Cultural Education: Local and Global Perspectives

This course will provide an opportunity for students from multiple sites to engage in the comparative study of issues associated with the education of Indigenous peoples and communities on an international scale with an emphasis on the role of language and culture through a review of educational practices, theories, methodologies, and epistemologies that have emerged from a variety of sources. This will be of special interest to educators in schools serving Indigenous and heritage language students regarding cultural understandings and change in a historical and contemporary context. Students will engage in the comparative study of issues associated with education of Indigenous peoples and communities on an international scale with an emphasis on the role of language and culture. In addition to face-to-face class meetings, students will participate in a hybrid course with other students and faculty in the United States (University of Alaska Fairbanks, University of Arizona, Diné College, University of Hawai`i Hilo) and New Zealand (Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuirāngi-Whakatane) via video-conferencing on a weekly basis.

Code: LLED 565D
Section: 061
Title: Indigenous Language and Cultural Education: Local and Global Perspectives
Credit: 3
Term: 1
Start/End Date: 09/08/2015 – 12/04/2015
Day(s): T
Time: 06:00 pm – 09:00 pm
Location:  SCARFE 308A
Instructor: Candace Galla
Course Link: